Women Helping Women

Touching Lives

Helping Women in Crisis…

A portion of my income, time and talent is donated to the women served by Maui’s ‘Women Helping Women’ shelter. This is one of the most rewarding parts of my life that I want to share with you. I come from a family of New York salon owners that spans two generations, where it was my father’s example of service in his community that shaped my life.  He mentored young men in trouble using his time and talent to help get their lives right. His example of tireless service is what lives in my blood and what feels right to me still.

My 25 year career in this industry has blessed me in a way that makes me want to share what I have. I have also learned that true beauty is more than skin deep: it radiates from a woman who has love in every part of her life. When I make my monthly visit to the shelter I bring the usual mobile salon services of hairstyling and consulting. I also bring donated goods that provide basic needs for someone starting their life over as well the personal encouragement that we all need from time to time. A hairstyle and some encouragement helps a woman prepare for a job interview or to just face the day. To see another woman respond to love creates a kind beauty that I have seen nowhere else. Joy is truly the best makeup.

Irma Valoy

Learn more about donating to Women Helping Women.

If you want to support Irma’s work, contact her from the contact page.